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TreviPay Global Demo

checkout on screen graphic

Creating the ideal purchasing experience for B2B Buyers at online checkout

Statistics show more than half of B2B buyers say they haven’t completed a purchase because the checkout process took too long, and if you make the purchasing experience easy, 75% of buyers will become repeat customers. This is the reality of business-to-business commerce. It should be as seamless as B2C transactions.

That’s why we created TreviPay. We’re going to show you how TreviPay allows your customers to pay by invoice at checkout. TreviPay is easily integrated on any eCommerce platform including Magento, BigCommerce, GenAlpha, Epi and ElasticPath.

TreviPay removes friction in the purchasing process, increases AOV and drives customer loyalty without any of the capital burden. We’ll extend terms to the buyer, provide settlement to you in as little as 48 hours and take care of collections.


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